Densely Connected G-invariant Deep Neural Networks with Signed Permutation Representations

Devanshu Agrawal, James Ostrowski.

Year: 2023, Volume: 24, Issue: 370, Pages: 1−40


We introduce and investigate, for finite groups $G$, $G$-invariant deep neural network ($G$-DNN) architectures with ReLU activation that are densely connected--i.e., include all possible skip connections. In contrast to other $G$-invariant architectures in the literature, the preactivations of the $G$-DNNs presented here are able to transform by signed permutation representations (signed perm-reps) of $G$. Moreover, the individual layers of the $G$-DNNs are not required to be $G$-equivariant; instead, the preactivations are constrained to be $G$-equivariant functions of the network input in a way that couples weights across all layers. The result is a richer family of $G$-invariant architectures never seen previously. We derive an efficient implementation of $G$-DNNs after a reparameterization of weights, as well as necessary and sufficient conditions for an architecture to be "admissible"-- i.e., nondegenerate and inequivalent to smaller architectures. We include code that allows a user to build a $G$-DNN interactively layer-by-layer, with the final architecture guaranteed to be admissible. We show that there are far more admissible $G$-DNN architectures than those accessible with the "concatenated ReLU" activation function from the literature. Finally, we apply $G$-DNNs to two example problems---(1) multiplication in $\{-1, 1\}$ (with theoretical guarantees) and (2) 3D object classification---finding that the inclusion of signed perm-reps significantly boosts predictive performance compared to baselines with only ordinary (i.e., unsigned) perm-reps.

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