Model Averaging for Prediction with Discrete Bayesian Networks
Denver Dash, Gregory F. Cooper; 5(Sep):1177--1203, 2004.
In this paper we consider the problem of
performing Bayesian model-averaging over a class of discrete
Bayesian network structures consistent with a partial ordering and
with bounded in-degree
k. We show that for
N nodes this class
contains in the worst-case at least
![omega eq](dash04a-omega.jpeg)
distinct network structures, and yet model averaging
over these structures can be performed using
![bigo eq](dash04a-bigo.jpeg)
operations. Furthermore we show that there exists a
single Bayesian network that defines a joint distribution over the
variables that is equivalent to model averaging over these
structures. Although constructing this network is computationally
prohibitive, we show that it can be approximated by a tractable
network, allowing approximate model-averaged probability
calculations to be performed in
O(N) time. Our result also
leads to an exact and linear-time solution to the problem of
averaging over the 2
N possible feature sets in a naive Bayes
model, providing an exact Bayesian solution to the troublesome
feature-selection problem for naive Bayes classifiers. We
demonstrate the utility of these techniques in the context of
supervised classification, showing empirically that model
averaging consistently beats other generative
Bayesian-network-based models, even when the generating model is
not guaranteed to be a member of the class being averaged over. We
characterize the performance over several parameters on simulated
and real-world data.