JMLR Special Issue on Learning Theory
- Introduction to the Special Issue on Learning Theory
- Ralf Herbrich, Thore Graepel; 4(Oct):755--757, 2003.
[abs][pdf] [ps.gz] [ps]
- On the Performance of Kernel Classes
- Shahar Mendelson; 4(Oct):759--771, 2003.
[abs][pdf] [ps.gz] [ps]
- Path Kernels and Multiplicative Updates
- Eiji Takimoto, Manfred K. Warmuth; 4(Oct):773--818, 2003.
[abs][pdf] [ps.gz] [ps]
- Tracking Linear-threshold Concepts with Winnow
- Chris Mesterharm; 4(Oct):819--838, 2003.
[abs][pdf] [ps.gz] [ps]
- Generalization Error Bounds for Bayesian Mixture Algorithms
- Ron Meir, Tong Zhang; 4(Oct):839--860, 2003.
[abs][pdf] [ps.gz] [ps]
- On the Rate of Convergence of Regularized Boosting Classifiers
- Gilles Blanchard, GĀ“bor Lugosi, Nicolas Vayatis; 4(Oct):861--894, 2003.
[abs][pdf] [ps.gz] [ps]