The Set Covering Machine
Mario Marchand, John Shawe-Taylor;
3(Dec):723-746, 2002.
We extend the classical algorithms of Valiant and Haussler for
learning compact conjunctions and disjunctions of Boolean
attributes to allow features that are constructed from the data
and to allow a trade-off between accuracy and complexity. The
result is a general-purpose learning machine, suitable for
practical learning tasks, that we call the
set covering
machine. We present a version of the set covering machine that
data-dependent balls for its set of features and
compare its performance with the support vector machine. By
extending a technique pioneered by Littlestone and Warmuth, we
bound its generalization error as a function of the amount of data
compression it achieves during training. In experiments with
real-world learning tasks, the bound is shown to be extremely
tight and to provide an effective guide for model selection.