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Event-learning with a background controller can be formulated as an $ \varepsilon $-MDP

Lemma D.1 (Corollary 4.3)   Assume that the environment is such that $ \sum_y \vert P(x,u_1,y) -
P(x,u_2,y)\vert \le K \Vert u_1 - u_2\Vert$ for all $ x,y,u_1,u_2$. Let $ \varepsilon $ be a prescribed number. For sufficiently large $ \Lambda $ and sufficiently small time steps, the SDS controller described in Equation 10 and the environment form an $ \varepsilon $-MDP.

Proof. From [Szepesvári et al.(1997)] it is known that for sufficiently fine time steps, the eventual tracking error is bounded by $ \textit{const}/\Lambda$, i.e., for sufficiently large $ t$,

$\displaystyle \Vert U_t(x,y^d)-U(x,y^d)\Vert \le \frac{\textit{const}}{\Lambda}.$    

For sufficiently large $ \Lambda $, $ \textit{const}/\Lambda \le
\varepsilon $. Therefore for arbitrary value function $ S$ we may write

    $\displaystyle \Vert {\textstyle\bigotimes}_t {\textstyle\bigoplus}_t S - {\text...}S \Vert
\le \Vert {\textstyle\bigoplus}_t S - {\textstyle\bigoplus}S \Vert$  
  $\displaystyle \le$ $\displaystyle \left\Vert \sum_y \sum_u (\pi_t^A(x,y^d,u) - \pi^A(x,y^d,u)) P(x, u, y) S(x,y^d,y)\right\Vert$  
  $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \left\Vert \sum_y \left( P(x, U_t(x,y^d), y) - P(x, U(x,y^d), y) \right) S(x,y^d,y)\right\Vert$  
  $\displaystyle \le$ $\displaystyle \sum_y \vert P(x, U_t(x,y^d), y) - P(x, U(x,y^d), y)\vert \cdot \left\Vert S \right\Vert$  
  $\displaystyle \le$ $\displaystyle K \Vert U_t(x,y^d)-U(x,y^d)\Vert \cdot \Vert S\Vert \le \varepsilon \cdot \Vert S\Vert.$  

This means that the system is indeed an $ \varepsilon $-MDP. $ \qedsymbol$

Naturally, if $ \pi^A = \pi^A_*$ then the approximated value function will be $ E^*$.

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