Optimal Learning Policies for Differential Privacy in Multi-armed Bandits
Siwei Wang, Jun Zhu; 25(314):1−52, 2024.
This paper studies the multi-armed bandit problem with a requirement of differential privacy guarantee or global differential privacy guarantee. We first prove that, the lower bound for the extra regret to protect (ϵ,δ)-global differential privacy is Ω(Nϵlog(eϵ−1)T+δT(eϵ−1)+δT) (N is the number of arms and T is the time horizon), which is independent with T for δ>0 and large enough T. Moreover, the lower bound for the extra regret to protect (ϵ,δ)-differential privacy can be no more than the above bound. This means that, different with the case δ=0, it is possible to design algorithms that protect privacy and achieve the same asymptotical regret upper bound as the non-private algorithms when δ>0. Then we adapt the Follow the Perturbed Leader (FTPL) framework, and propose learning policies with both Gaussian and Beta perturbed distributions (DP-FTPL-Gauss and DP-FTPL-Beta) to protect (ϵ,δ)-differential privacy. The analysis shows that they achieve an O(NlogTΔmin regret upper bound, where \Delta_{\min} is the minimum expected reward gap between the optimal arm and any other ones. We also design a unique perturbed distribution to protect (\epsilon,\delta)-differential privacy in the FTPL framework (DP-FTPL-New), which reduces the regret upper bound to O({N\log T\over \Delta_{\min}} + {N\over \epsilon }\log {(e^{\epsilon} -1)T + \delta T \over (e^{\epsilon}-1) + \delta T}). We further show that this perturbed distribution could also be used to protect (\epsilon,\delta)-global differential privacy, and design a corresponding algorithm GDP-Elim-New. We show that its regret upper bound is O({\Delta_{\max} \over \Delta_{\min}}({N\log T\over \Delta_{\min}} + {N\over \epsilon }\log {(e^{\epsilon} -1)T + \delta T \over (e^{\epsilon}-1) + \delta T})). This shows that our \Omega({N\over \epsilon }\log {(e^{\epsilon} -1)T + \delta T \over (e^{\epsilon}-1) + \delta T}) regret lower bound is tight (e.g. when {\Delta_{\max}\over \Delta_{\min}} is bounded).
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