An Efficient Sampling Algorithm for Non-smooth Composite Potentials
Wenlong Mou, Nicolas Flammarion, Martin J. Wainwright, Peter L. Bartlett; 23(233):1−50, 2022.
We consider the problem of sampling from a density of the form p(x)∝exp(−f(x)−g(x)), where f:Rd→R is a smooth function and g:Rd→R is a convex and Lipschitz function. We propose a new algorithm based on the Metropolis--Hastings framework. Under certain isoperimetric inequalities on the target density, we prove that the algorithm mixes to within total variation (TV) distance ε of the target density in at most O(dlog(d/ε)) iterations. This guarantee extends previous results on sampling from distributions with smooth log densities (g=0) to the more general composite non-smooth case, with the same mixing time up to a multiple of the condition number. Our method is based on a novel proximal-based proposal distribution that can be efficiently computed for a large class of non-smooth functions g. Simulation results on posterior sampling problems that arise from the Bayesian Lasso show empirical advantage over previous proposal distributions.
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