Logarithmic Regret for Episodic Continuous-Time Linear-Quadratic Reinforcement Learning over a Finite-Time Horizon
Matteo Basei, Xin Guo, Anran Hu, Yufei Zhang; 23(178):1−34, 2022.
We study finite-time horizon continuous-time linear-quadratic reinforcement learning problems in an episodic setting, where both the state and control coefficients are unknown to the controller. We first propose a least-squares algorithm based on continuous-time observations and controls, and establish a logarithmic regret bound of magnitude O((lnM)(lnlnM)), with M being the number of learning episodes. The analysis consists of two components: perturbation analysis, which exploits the regularity and robustness of the associated Riccati differential equation; and parameter estimation error, which relies on sub-exponential properties of continuous-time least-squares estimators. We further propose a practically implementable least-squares algorithm based on discrete-time observations and piecewise constant controls, which achieves similar logarithmic regret with an additional term depending explicitly on the time stepsizes used in the algorithm.
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