Sharpness-Aware Minimization and the Edge of Stability
Philip M. Long, Peter L. Bartlett; 25(179):1−20, 2024.
Recent experiments have shown that, often, when training a neural network with gradient descent (GD) with a step size η, the operator norm of the Hessian of the loss grows until it approximately reaches 2/η, after which it fluctuates around this value. The quantity 2/η has been called the “edge of stability” based on consideration of a local quadratic approximation of the loss. We perform a similar calculation to arrive at an “edge of stability” for Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM), a variant of GD which has been shown to improve its generalization. Unlike the case for GD, the resulting SAM-edge depends on the norm of the gradient. Using three deep learning training tasks, we see empirically that SAM operates on the edge of stability identified by this analysis.
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