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Convergence Rate of Optimal Quantization and Application to the Clustering Performance of the Empirical Measure

Yating Liu, Gilles Pagès; 21(86):1−36, 2020.


We study the convergence rate of the optimal quantization for a probability measure sequence (μn)nN on Rd converging in the Wasserstein distance in two aspects: the first one is the convergence rate of optimal quantizer x(n)(Rd)K of μn at level K; the other one is the convergence rate of the distortion function valued at x(n), called the “performance” of x(n). Moreover, we also study the mean performance of the optimal quantization for the empirical measure of a distribution μ with finite second moment but possibly unbounded support. As an application, we show an upper bound with a convergence rate O(lognn) of the mean performance for the empirical measure of the multidimensional normal distribution N(m,Σ) and of distributions with hyper-exponential tails. This extends the results from Biau et al. (2008) obtained for compactly supported distribution. We also derive an upper bound which is sharper in the quantization level K but suboptimal in n by applying results in Fournier and Guillin (2015).

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