Decentralized Natural Policy Gradient with Variance Reduction for Collaborative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Jinchi Chen, Jie Feng, Weiguo Gao, Ke Wei; 25(172):1−49, 2024.
This paper studies a policy optimization problem arising from collaborative multi-agent reinforcement learning in a decentralized setting where agents communicate with their neighbors over an undirected graph to maximize the sum of their cumulative rewards. A novel decentralized natural policy gradient method, dubbed Momentum-based Decentralized Natural Policy Gradient (MDNPG), is proposed, which incorporates natural gradient, momentum-based variance reduction, and gradient tracking into the decentralized stochastic gradient ascent framework. The O(n−1ϵ−3) sample complexity for MDNPG to converge to an ϵ-stationary point has been established under standard assumptions, where n is the number of agents. It indicates that MDNPG can achieve the optimal convergence rate for decentralized policy gradient methods and possesses a linear speedup in contrast to centralized optimization methods. Moreover, superior empirical performance of MDNPG over other state-of-the-art algorithms has been demonstrated by extensive numerical experiments.
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