TMLR Editorial Board
Past Editors-in-Chief
Managing Editors
Past Managing Editors
TMLR Action Editors
- Pierre Ablin, Apple. Invertible neural networks, sparsity, optimization, manifolds.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Yossi Adi, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Machine learning deep learning structured prediction speech language models speech and audio processing speech recognition speech synthesis.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Naman Agarwal, Google. Optimization, online learning, optimal control and planning, reinforcement learning theory, differential privacy and optimization.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Sungsoo Ahn, Pohang University of Science and Technology. Uncertainty estimation in deep learning, continual learning, graphical model, graph neural network, drug discovery.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Sai Aparna Aketi, Meta. Federated learning, machine learning, decentralized optimization, radiation hardening by design techniques.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Ahmet Alacaoglu, University of British Columbia. Variational inequalities and monotone operator theory, nonconvex optimization, stochastic algorithms, convex optimization, algorithms for min-max problems, reinforcement learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Alexander A Alemi, Google Deepmind. Variational information bottleneck, deep learning, information theory.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Rahaf Aljundi, Toyota Motor Europe. Vision language models privacy leakage memory construction personalization, lifelong learning incremental learning domain adaptation ood zero shot methods.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Mauricio A Álvarez, University of Manchester. Gaussian processes non-parametric bayes dynamical systems kernel methods.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Ehsan Amid, Google DeepMind. Online learning, machine learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Bryon Aragam, University of Chicago. Latent variable models, generative models, causal inference, graphical models, nonparametric statistics, statistical learning theory, high-dimensional statistics.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Elahe Arani, Eindhoven University of technology . Continual learning, self-supervised learning, representation learning, generative ai, multimodal learning, neuroscience, brain inspired artificial intelligence, computer vision, machine learning and deep learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Adam Arany, KU Leuven. Causality time series, bayesian methods uncertainty quantification, odes neural ode.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Cédric Archambeau, Helsing. Neural architecture search, responsible ai, transfer meta- and continual learning, hyperparameter optimization, bayesian optimization, bayesian nonparametrics, gaussian processes, approximate inference, probabilistic machine learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Oleg Arenz, TU Darmstadt. Variational inference, inverse reinforcement learning, imitation learning, robotics, reinforcement learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Anurag Arnab, Google. Transformer, video, 3d human pose, deep learning, computer vision, segmentation.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Raman Arora, Johns Hopkins University. Robust adversarial learning, differential privacy, deep multiview learning, canonical correlation analysis, matrix factorization, stochastic optimization, representation learning, online learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Kamyar Azizzadenesheli, NVIDIA. Reinforcement learning learning theory optimization applied mathematics neural operators.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Reza Babanezhad Harikandeh, Samsung. Neural network, continous optimization.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Yu Bai, OpenAI. Deep learning theory, uncertainty quantification, game theory, machine learning theory, reinforcement learning, large language models.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Han Bao, Kyoto University, Kyoto University. Learning theory, adversarial robustness, representation learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Serguei Barannikov, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology. Topological data analysis, topology, persistent homology, generative models, generative adversarial models, attention graphs, bert, representations learning, representations, disentanglement, autoencoders, variational autoencoders, loss landscape, loss surfaces, attention mechanism, large language models.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Jean Barbier, Abdus Salam international centre for theoretical physics. Graphical models, bayesian inference, spin glasses, machine learning, high-dimensional statistics, random matrix theory, information theory, statistical physics, signal processing.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Stephen Becker, University of Colorado, Boulder. Convex optimization, sparse recovery.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Amrit Singh Bedi, University of Central Florida. Ai alignment language models reinforcement learning policy gradient algorithms.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Ahmad Beirami, Google. Federated learning, natural language processing, conversational ai, language models, responsible ai, game ai, reinforcement learning, machine learning, information theory, statistics, signal processing.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Aurélien Bellet, INRIA. Privacy preserving machine learning differential privacy, federated learning decentralized learning distributed learning, fairness in machine learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Emmanuel Bengio, Recursion. Machine learning deep learning reinforcement learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Jonathan Berant, Google. Natural language processing.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Michel Besserve, MPI for Intelligent Systems. Causality, kernel methods, neuroscience, random matrix theory, information theory, generative models.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Srinadh Bhojanapalli, Google. Generalization, optimization, matrix factorization, deep learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Jiang Bian, Microsoft. Llm for decision making generative ai for simulation ai for industrial applications.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Alberto Bietti, Flatiron Institute. Optimization, kernel methods, deep learning theory.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Yonatan Bisk, Meta. Talking to robots, embodied ai.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Soma Biswas, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Computer vision deep learning cross-modal retrieval face recognition incremental learning.
- Michael Bowling, Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta. Multiagent learning, game theory, reinforcement learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Marcus A Brubaker, Google DeepMind. Normalizing flows, electron cryomicroscopy, monte carlo methods, machine learning, probabilistic programming, computer vision, texture synthesis, human motion estimation, physics-based human motion models.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Marlos C. Machado, University of Alberta. Reinforcement learning, representation learning, hierarchical reinforcement learning, exploration, continual learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Trevor Campbell, University of British Columbia. Statistical machine learning, probability, bayesian statistics, large-scale data.
- Xiaochun Cao, SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY. Adversarial learning, segmentation parsing, image enhancement, detection, clustering, recognition.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Yuan Cao, University of Hong Kong. Deep learning neural networks graphical model.
- Gustavo Carneiro, University of Surrey. Noisy label learning, breast image analysis, deep learning cnns rnns, medical image analysis, meta learning, few-shot learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Wilka Carvalho, Harvard University, Harvard University. Factored mpds, reinforcement learning, representation learning, object-centric.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Pablo Samuel Castro, Google. Reinforcement learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Anthony L. Caterini, Layer6. Normalizing flows, variational inference, deep generative models.
- Philip K. Chan, Florida Institute of Technology. Self-supervised learning, representation learning, machine learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Sarath Chandar, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Université de Montréal. Optimization, ai for science, lifelong/continual learning, deep learning, natural language processing, reinforcement learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Shiyu Chang, University of California, Santa Barbara. Diffusion model, large language model, fairness, adversarial machine learning, interpretability.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Zachary Charles, Google. Federated learning distributed learning communication-efficient learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Laurent Charlin, HEC Montreal. Continual learning, combinatorial optimization, dialogue systems, recommender systems, graphical models topic models variational inference.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Kamalika Chaudhuri, UC San Diego, University of California, San Diego. Theory of robustness, active learning, privacy.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Changyou Chen, State University of New York, Buffalo. Multi-modal learning, vision and language, foundation models, meta learning, deep reinforcement learning, deep generative models, large-scalable bayesian learning, deep learning, bayesian nonparametrics.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Chao Chen, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Microscopic image, digital pathology, medical image analysis, topological data analysis, persistent homology.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Liang-Chieh Chen, ByteDance / TikTok. Computer vision semantic segmentation panoptic segmentation instance segmentation scene parsing video segmentation deep learning architectures representation learning vision-language model design open-vocabulary segmentation.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Pin-Yu Chen, International Business Machines. Adversarial machine learning, trustworthy machine learning, adversarial robustness, machine learning and security, ai safety and alignment.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Yu Cheng, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Natural language processing, deep learning, machine learning, computer vision.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Seungjin Choi, Intellicode. Bayesian optimization, uncertainty quantification, probabilistic models, meta-learning, distribution shift.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Grigorios Chrysos, University of Wisconsin - Madison. Polynomial neural networks tensor decompositions, generative models gan, extrapolation, unsupervised learning representation learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Sanghyuk Chun, NAVER AI Lab. Multi-modal learning vision and language, machine learning reliability robustness de-biasing domain generalization uncertainty estimation explainability, generative models, audio modelling music modelling, recommender systems matrix factorization collaborative filtering content-based recommender systems, multi-armed bandit online ranking algorithm, dimensionality reduction robust pca clustering.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Kamil Ciosek, Spotify.
- Mark J. Coates, McGill University. Recommender systems, graph learning, bayesian inference, particle filters.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Nadav Cohen, School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University. Statistical learning theory deep learning non-convex optimization tensor analysis.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Shay B. Cohen, University of Edinburgh. Natural language processing.
- Yin Cui, NVIDIA. Computer vision, machine learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Jacek Cyranka, Aptiv. Reinforcement learning, time series forecasting, topological data analysis, partial differential equations, computer assisted proofs, dynamical systems.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Bo Dai, Georgia Institute of Technology. Reinforcement learning, probabilistic method, kernel method.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Yuchao Dai, Northwestern Polytechnical University. Novel view synthesis, rolling shutter, event camera, dynamic reconstruction, computer vision deep learning multiview geometry camera, structure from motion 3d reconstruction.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Valentin De Bortoli, University of Oxford. Stochastic optimization, texture synthesis, information geometry, generative modeling, diffusion model, score-matching, schrodinger bridges.
- Weijian Deng, Australian National University. 3d content modeling; machine learning safety; monitoring model reliability, model generalization; unsupervised accuracy estimation;, generative adversarial network; fine-grained recognition.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Sameer Deshpande, University of Wisconsin - Madison. Bayesian additive regression trees, bayesian variable selection, causal inference, graphical modeling, hierarchical modeling.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Devendra Singh Dhami, Eindhoven University of Technology. Neuro-symbolic artificial intelligence, causal machine learning, machine learning in healthcare, time series forecasting.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Laurent Dinh, Apple. Deep learning, unsupervised learning, generative models, deep invertible models, flow based models, probabilistic inference.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Jose Dolz, École de technologie supérieure. Vision language models, network calibration, weakly supervised learning, image segmentation.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Li Dong, Microsoft Research. Deep learning, natural language processing.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Vincent Dumoulin, Google. Deep learning computer vision, few-shot learning multi-task learning meta-learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Greg Durrett, University of Texas, Austin. Question answering automated reasoning natural language inference, interpretability in nlp, text generation, text summarization, large language models pre-training.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Gintare Karolina Dziugaite, McGill University. Data compression, interpretable ml, neural network pruning compression, generalization theory, pac-bayes, deep learning, statistical learning theory, generative models generative adversarial nets, adversarial examples.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Eric Eaton, University of Pennsylvania. Lifelong learning continual learning, transfer learning multi-task learning, interactive ai interactive ml interpretable ml, perception robotics robot learning robotic control high-level intelligence, precision medicine clinical decision support.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Marwa El Halabi, Samsung. Pruning neural networks, submodular optimization, structured sparsity, convex optimization.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Moshe Eliasof, University of Cambridge. Graph neural networks, deep learning, computer graphics, computer vision, signal and image processing.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Murat A Erdogdu, University of Toronto. Optimization, sampling.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Amir-massoud Farahmand, Polytechnique Montréal. Reinforcement learning statistical learning theory nonparametric estimators.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Aleksandra Faust, Google Brain. Self-improvement, foundation models, natural language processing, meta-learning, task learning, autonomous driving, navigation, reinforcement learning, motion planning, robotics.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Lei Feng, Singapore University of Technology and Design. Foundation models, trustworty deep learning, weakly supervised learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Stefan Feuerriegel, LMU Munich. Computational social science.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Patrick Flaherty, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Nonconvex optimization, bayesian statistics, decision-making, hypothesis testing, bioinformatics, computational biology, genetics, variational inference, clustering, mixture models.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Rémi Flamary, École Polytechnique. Optimal transport, graph data processing, domain adaptation, non convex regularization.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Vincent Fortuin, Technical University of Munich. Bayesian deep learning, gaussian processes, deep learning, machine learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- David Fouhey, Carnegie Mellon University. Computer vision 3d reconstruction 3d from a single image, computer vision human-object interaction affordances, ai for science.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Jes Frellsen, Technical University of Denmark. Missing data, deep generative models, deep learning, bayesian modelling and inference, markov chain monte carlo, bioinformatics.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Yanwei Fu, Fudan University,. Image inpainting, robotic grasping, sparsity in neural network, learning based 3d reconstruction, facial analysis and person understanding, zero-shot learning and attribute learning, few-shot learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Li Fuxin, Oregon State University. Deep learning, semantic segmentation, video segmentation, explainable deep learning, uncertainty estimation, multi-target tracking, point cloud networks, instance segmentation, bayesian deep learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Zhe Gan, Apple. Deep learning, vision and language, deep generative models.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Roman Garnett, Washington University in St. Louis. Active learning, gaussian processes, bayesian optimization, bayesian quadrature.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Maxime Gasse, ServiceNow. Causality, reinforcement learning, combinatorial optimization, structure learning, probabilistic graphical models directed acyclic graphs.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Efstratios Gavves, University of Amsterdam. Dynamical deep learning causal representation learning physics-informed deep learning, video understanding deep learning, fine-grained classification computer vision geometry in vision.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Bernhard C Geiger, Technische Universität Graz. Information theory, deep learning, model reduction.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Matthieu Geist, Cohere. Reinforcement learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Tim Genewein, DeepMind. Analysis and understanding of agents, ai safety, bayesian deep learning, variational inference, information theory, rate-distortion theory, network compression, bounded rationality, computational neuroscience, sensorimotor learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Krzysztof J. Geras, NYU Grossman School of Medicine. Medical image analysis, neural networks, unsupervised learning, model evaluation, model aggregation.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Mohammad Ghavamzadeh, Amazon. Rlhf, bandit algorithms, online learning, reinforcement learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Surbhi Goel, University of Pennsylvania. Theory, machine learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Vicenç Gómez, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Optimal control, reinforcement learning, probabilistic graphical models, social networks.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Boqing Gong, Boston University, Boston University. Machine learning, computer vision.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Mingming Gong, University of Melbourne. Deep generative models, 3d vision, causal discovery & inference.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Eduard Gorbunov, Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence. Optimization, machine learning, stochastic optimization, distributed optimization, derivative-free optimization, federated learning, variational inequalities, min-max problems.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Robert M. Gower, Flatiron Institute. Adaptive gradient methods; policy gradient methods;, stochastic optimization; variance reduced methods; stochastic gradient descent; quasi-newton methods; second order methods, numerical linear algebra; sketching.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Erin Grant, University College London. Computational neuroscience theoretical neuroscience, cognitive science higher-level cognition psychology, deep learning connectionism.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Edward Grefenstette, Google DeepMind. Machine learning natural language processing neural networks deep learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Magda Gregorova, Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt. Generative models vae invertible flows, nonlinear regression rkhs learning, structured sparsity regularised learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Quanquan Gu, ByteDance Inc.. Large language models, deep generative models, ai for science, reinforcement learning, optimization, deep learning, high-dimensional statistics, active learning, online learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Benjamin Guedj, University College London, University of London. Learning on graphs, mathematics of deep learning, representation learning, information theory, nonnegative matrix factorization, online learning, pac-bayesian theory, machine learning, statistical learning theory, concentration inequalities, bayesian and quasi-bayesian methods, aggregation theory and ensemble methods, generalisation bounds, sampling algorithms (mcmc ...).
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Abhradeep Guha Thakurta, Google. Convex optimization, differential privacy, federated learning, statistical learning theory, differential privacy.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Caglar Gulcehre, EPFL - EPF Lausanne. Large language models, foundation models, multiagent deep reinforcement learning, reinforcement learning imitation learning demonstrations attention models, deep learning, nlp natural language understanding, optimization, cognitive science cognitive neuroscience.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Chuan Guo, Meta. Privacy attacks, differential privacy, adversarial example, ai security, model calibration.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Michael U. Gutmann, University of Edinburgh. Learning energy-based models, experimental design, density ratio estimation, noise-contrastive estimation, likelihood-free inference approximate bayesian computation simulation-based inference.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- John T. Halloran, Leidos. Efficient llm training and inference, deep generative modeling, privacy-preserving machine learning, generative time-series modeling.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Bo Han, HKBU. Trustworthy machine learning, deep learning, machine learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Steven Hansen, DeepMind. Intrinsic motivation, unsupervised reinforcement learning, deep reinforcement learning, meta reinforcement learning, model-based reinforcement learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Satoshi Hara, University of Electro-Communications. Interpretability, anomaly detection, feature selection.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Tatsuya Harada, RIKEN. Deep learning, visual recognition.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Adam W Harley, Stanford University. Deep learning computer vision point tracking.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Søren Hauberg, Technical University of Denmark. Manifold learning, differential geometry, human motion capture.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Manuel Haussmann, University of Southern Denmark - SDU. Bayesian statistics, bayesian deep learning, probabilistic machine learning, reinforcement learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Di He, Peking University. Graph neural networks, geometric neural networks, natural language processing.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Ran He, Institute of automation, Chinese academy of science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Generative model, image generation, face recognition, transfer learning, domain adaptation, image superresolution, representation learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Xuming He, ShanghaiTech University. Few-shot learning incremental learning, image caption generation visual relation detection, graph neural network, semantic segmentation scene parsing object segmentation.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Chinmay Hegde, New York University. Llm benchmarking, ai safety, multimodal models, privacy in machine learning, physics-aware machine learning, robustness of machine learning, neural architecture search, theory of neural network learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Markus Heinonen, Aalto University. Gaussian process, deep learning, kernel methods, differential equations.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Matthew J. Holland, Osaka University. Learning theory.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Sanghyun Hong, Oregon State University. Computer security and privacy, machine learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Antti Honkela, University of Helsinki. Differential privacy, privacy, bayesian machine learning, bioinformatics, gaussian processes.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Jean Honorio, University of Melbourne. Learning theory, planted models, graphical models, structured prediction, community detection.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Neil Houlsby, Google. Computer vision, natural language processing, machine learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Yen-Chang Hsu, Samsung Research America. Out-if-distribution detection anomaly detection confidence estimation, computer vision semantic segmentation, deep learning machine learning clustering object discovery supervised learning unsupervised learning semi-supervised learning self-supervised learning continual learning, knowledge distillation model compression model pruning model editing, speculative decoding, language modeling.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Jia-Bin Huang, University of Maryland, College Park. Machine learning, computer vision.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Kejun Huang, University of Florida.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- W Ronny Huang, Google. Speech, large language models.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Wen-bing Huang, Renmin University of China. Ai for science, geometric deep learning, graph neural networks.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Yani Ioannou, University of Calgary. Efficient deep learning, grouped convolution, unstructured sparse neural networks, dynamic sparse neural network training, sparse neural network training, neural network pruning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Daphne Ippolito, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Pennsylvania.
- Takashi Ishida, RIKEN. Bayes error estimation, overfitting regularization, semi-supervised learning weakly supervised learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Masha Itkina, Toyota Research Institute. Robotics perception sensor fusion, deep learning computer vision convlstms video prediction recurrent models, epistemic uncertainty estimation evidential theory out-of-distribution detection, human behavior modeling occlusion inference mapping, deep generative models variational autoencoders discrete latent spaces, robot policy evaluation, failure detection and mitigation, active learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Pavel Izmailov, Anthropic. Ai alignment, reasoning, language models, spurious correlations, robustness, out-of-distribution generalization, interpretability, deep learning, bayesian deep learning, bayesian machine learning, normalizing flows, semi-supervised learning, gaussian processes.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Shahin Jabbari, Drexel University.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Joonas Jälkö, University of Helsinki. Differential privacy bayesian inference variational inference.
- Stephen James, Dyson. Robotics, sim2real, reinforcement learning, imitation learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Stanislaw Kamil Jastrzebski, Deep learning deep learning theory optimization loss surface transfer learning, cheminformatics drug discovery reaction outcome prediction molecule property prediction.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- C.V. Jawahar, IIIT Hyderabad. Computer vision.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Dinesh Jayaraman, University of Pennsylvania, University of Pennsylvania. Reinforcement learning, robotics, robot learning, embodied ai, unsupervised feature learning, visual recognition.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Shuiwang Ji, Texas A&M University. Deep learning, graph neural networks, quantum systems, molecular graphs, physics simulation, ai for science, protein modeling, drug discovery.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Kui Jia, South China University of Technology. Learning and generalization, explainable ai; interpretable ai, deep learning surface reconstruction, 3d detection; object pose estimation, manipulation and grasping, deep transfer learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Lu Jiang, ByteDance Inc.. Multimodal foundation modal, image and video generation, computer vision, multimedia, machine learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Jianbo Jiao, University of Birmingham. Medical imaging, multi-modal learning and understanding, self-supervised learning, low-level vision, 3d vision.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Fredrik D. Johansson, Chalmers University of Technology. Counterfactual estimation, causal inference, machine learning for healthcare, machine learning on graphs graph kernels.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Samira Ebrahimi Kahou, University of Calgary. Deep learning computer vision model compression emotion recognition attention.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Yannis Kalantidis, Naver Labs Europe. Self-supervised learning distillation, visual representation learning, long-tailed recognition resource-constrained deep learning video understanding, deep learning unsupervised learning representation learning vision and language, clustering nearest neighbor search image retrieval geometry indexing hashing.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Varun Kanade, University of Oxford. Optimization, deep learning, randomized algorithms, random graphs, computational learning theory.
- Dmitry Kangin, Lancaster University. Interpretable machine learning, continuous neural networks, generative models, deep reinforcement learning, multiple target tracking, machine vision.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Ian A. Kash, University of Illinois, Chicago. Multi-agent reinforcement learning, economics and computaiton.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Yoshinobu Kawahara, Osaka University. Machine learning, dynamical systems.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan, RIKEN Center for AI Project. Approximate inference, bayesian deep learning, gaussian processes, continual learning, lifelong learning, adaptation, variational inference, distributed learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Niki Kilbertus, Technische Universität München.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Taylor W. Killian, Apple. Risk-sensitive reinforcement learning, offline reinforcement learning, causal inference, approximate inference, reinforcement learning, transfer learning, healthcare, bayesian neural networks.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Gunhee Kim, Seoul National University. Deep learning, computer vision.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Sungwoong Kim, Korea University. Artificial general intelligence deep learning meta learning representation learning generative modeling reinforcement learning optimization multi-modal learning language modeling, graphical modeling structured support vector machine speech recognition image segmentation.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Brian Kingsbury, IBM. Speech recognition spoken language understanding deep learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Andreas Kirsch, GenAI Startup. Uncertainty quantification, active learning, information theory.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Arto Klami, University of Helsinki. Prior elicitation, computational physics ultrasound, data integration canonical correlation analysis data fusion, inference markov chain monte carlo variational inference, bayesian machine learning, spectral imaging computer vision, computational neuroscience meg.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Aaron Klein, Amazon Berlin. Bayesian optimization hyperparameter optimization neural-architecture search automl.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Junpei Komiyama, New York University. Reproducibility, online learning, multi-armed bandit problem, algorithmic fairness.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Lingpeng Kong, Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong. Machine learning nlp.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Alec Koppel, J.P. Morgan Chase. Online learning, reinforcement learning markov decision processes, kernel methods, supervised learning, stochastic optimization.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Simon Kornblith, Anthropic. Large language model training, vision language models, deep learning, representation learning, transfer learning, analysis of neural network representations, neuroscience.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Antti Koskela, Nokia Bell Labs. Differential privacy, machine learning, deep learning, numerical linear algebra.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Florent Krzakala, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne. Statistical physics, high-dimensional asymptotics, universality, statistical learning theory, dynamics of sgd, replica method.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Alp Kucukelbir, Columbia University. Bayesian inference approximate inference variational inference, probabilistic programming.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Brian Kulis, Boston University. Few-shot learning domain adaptation meta learning, metric learning hashing similarity search, clustering bregman divergences image segmentation, bayesian nonparametrics dirichlet processes graphical models.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Weicheng Kuo, Google. Object detection segmentation retrieval image recognition.
- Branislav Kveton, Adobe Research. Bandits, recommender systems, learning to rank, online learning, markov decision processes, reinforcement learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Tasos Kyrillidis, Rice University. Non-convex optimization, convex optimization, large-scale computing.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Andrew Lampinen, Google DeepMind. Representation analysis interpretability, reinforcement learning, zero-shot learning adaptation zero shot transfer flexibility, natural language processing, memory episodic memory complementary learning systems, multi-task learning transfer curricula, cognitive science cognition.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Marc Lanctot, Google DeepMind. Computational game theory multiagent learning reinforcement learning planning game tree search.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Romain Laroche, Microsoft. Reinforcement learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Sylvain Le Corff, Sorbonne Université, LPSM. Simulation methods for generative models, probabilistic machine learning, hidden markov models, sequential monte carlo, markov chain monte carlo, bayesian nonparametric.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Antoine Ledent, Singapore Management University. Matrix completion, statistical learning theory, interpretability regularisation, stochastic analysis.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Hankook Lee, Sungkyunkwan University. Transfer learning meta-learning, self-supervised learning representation learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Jaehoon Lee, Anthropic. Deep learning, theoretical physics, machine learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Jasper C.H. Lee, University of California, Davis. Discrete optimization machine learning, learning theory.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Kangwook Lee, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Large language models, diffusion models, deep learning, information theory, fairness in machine learning, distributed machine learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Stefan Lee, Oregon State University. Computer vision machine learning deep learning language and vision.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Robert Legenstein, Graz University of Technology. Deep learning, spiking neural networks, computational neuroscience.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Andreas M. Lehrmann, University of British Columbia. Deep learning deep structured models dynamic neural networks non-parametric neural networks deep generative networks variational autoencoders generative adversarial networks, approximate inference variational inference in non-conjugate models monte carlo inference in continuous graphical models neural inference in non-parametric belief networks, dynamic scene modeling personalized ar conditional image and video synthesis structured visual question answering object and action detection human pose and motion estimation image and video segmentation.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Yunwen Lei, University of Hong Kong. Stability and generalization, stochastic optimization, learning theory.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Georgios Leontidis, University of Aberdeen. Deep learning, statistical machine learning, computer vision, neural networks.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Chunyuan Li, Microsoft Research. Natural language processing, bayesian statistics, deep learning, computer vision/graphics.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Haoliang Li, City University of Hong Kong. Multimedia forensics, transfer learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Hongsheng Li, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Unsupervised domain adapation, semi-supervised learning, 3d object detection, object detection, feature distillation, semantic segmentation.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Jundong Li, University of Virginia. Machine learning safety, large language model, algorithmic fairness, causal inference, trustworthy ai, graph mining graph machine learning, feature selection.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Lei Li, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University. Molecule learning protein design and drug discovery, machine translation speech translation, natural language processing text generation large language models, data mining time series analysis, machine learning. bayesian methods deep learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Li Erran Li, Amazon. Machine learning nlp deep learning, autonomous driving, artificial intelligence generative ai llms large multi-modal models large agent midels reinforcement learning, machine learning systems, computer vision, robotic learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Lihong Li, Amazon. Contextual bandit, reinforcement learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Sheng Li, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Large language models, trustworthy artificial intelligence, graph neural networks, continual learning, causal inference, multi-view learning, transfer learning, domain adaptation.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Tian Li, University of Chicago.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Yingzhen Li, Imperial College London. Causal representation learning, continue learning, disentangled representation, gaussian process, meta learning, sequential generative models, stochastic gradient mcmc, adversarial attacks and defences, score matching, stein's method, bayesian neural networks, deep generative models, transfer learning, approximate inference, variational inference, message passing.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Yixuan Li, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Deep learning, out-of-distribution detection, ai safety.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Zhenguo Li, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Automated theorem proving, diffusion models, generative models, lossless compression.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Yingbin Liang, The Ohio State University. Machine learning, reinforcement learning, large-scale optimization.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Tatiana Likhomanenko, Apple. Deep learning speech recognition nlp image recognition, deep learning face recognition image recognition video, high energy physics gradient boosting optimization model compression loss functions.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Hsuan-Tien Lin, National Taiwan University. Complementary-label learning, active learning, multi-label learning, cost-sensitive classification.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Stephen Lin, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor. Computer vision.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Xi Lin, City University of Hong Kong. Neural combinatorial optimization, multi-task learning, multi-objective optimization, bayesian optimization.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Ofir Lindenbaum, Bar-Ilan University. Machine learning, feature selection, sparse neural networks, multimodal learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Feng Liu, University of Melbourne. Out-of-distribution detection, out-of-distribution generalization, adversatial machine learning, hypothesis testing, weakly supervised learning, transfer learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Hongfu Liu, Brandeis University. Clustering, domain adaptation, ouliter detection, domain adaptation, ensemble clusteirng, fairness learning, data-centric learning, data valuation.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Mingrui Liu, George Mason University. Machine learning, optimization, learning theory, deep learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Tongliang Liu, University of Sydney. Learning with noisy labels, weakly supervised learning, adversarial learning, transfer learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Wei Liu, Tencent. Foundation models, multimodal models, deep learning, information retrieval, big data, machine learning, computer vision, pattern recognition.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Yan Liu, University of Southern California. Time series and spatiotemporal data analysis, social network analysis topic models.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Gabriel Loaiza-Ganem, Layer 6 AI. Probabilistic machine learning, deep generative models, bayesian methods, variational inference, manifold learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Francesco Locatello, Institute of Science and Technology. Causal representation learning, representation learning, unsupervised learning, optimization.
- Mingsheng Long, Tsinghua University. Foundation model, ai4science (pde industrial design), world model, ai4science (earth climate weather), scientific machine learning, physics-informed machine learning, time series model, transformers, unsupervised predictive learning, video prediction and generation, multitask learning, multimodal learning, deep learning, transfer learning, domain adaptation.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Bruno Loureiro, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris. Statistical physics disordered systems, statistical learning theory statistical inference, machine learning deep learning, ads/cft applied to condensed matter physics.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Bryan Kian Hsiang Low, National University of Singapore. Data-centric ai data valuation data selection, incentives in federated learning, bayesian optimization, gaussian process active learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Chris J. Maddison, University of Toronto. Scaling laws, foundation models, representation learning, variational inference, monte carlo methods, generative models.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Stefan Magureanu, Myrspoven. Deep learning for structured documents and the web, data pruning and off-policy evaluation, multi-armed bandits, recommender systems and learning to rank, deep reinforcement learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Massimiliano Mancini, University of Trento. Compositional zero-shot learning, zero-shot learning, incremental learning, domain generalization, deep learning, domain adaptation.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Andres R Masegosa, Aalborg University. Probabilistic graphical models, variational inference, bayesian deep leanring, bayesian methods, pac-bayesian bounds.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Mathurin Massias, INRIA. Implicit bias, optimization sparsity.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Yoshitomo Matsubara, Spiffy AI. Symbolic regression, knowledge distillation, computer vision, natural language processing, split computing, information retrieval.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Arya Mazumdar, University of California, San Diego.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Audra McMillan, Apple. Privacy, differential privacy, statistics.
- Kuldeep S. Meel, Department of Computer Science. Reasoning under uncertainty, sat solving.
- Arash Mehrjou, GlaxoSmithKlein. Diffusion models score matching energy-based models generative models, control theory stochastic control optimal transport stochastic differential equations, machine learning causality causal inference probabilistic models latent variable models.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Nishant A Mehta, University of Victoria. Incentive compatibility, multi-armed bandits, pac-bayes, online learning, prediction with expert advice, online convex optimization, sparse coding, lasso, multi-task learning, transfer learning, lifelong learning, statistical learning theory.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Yu Meng, University of Virginia. Natural language processing, language modeling, weakly-supervised learning, representation learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Aditya Krishna Menon, Google. Long-tail learning class imbalance, distillation label smoothing, proper losses loss function design, deep retrieval.
- Alberto Maria Metelli, Politecnico di Milano. Reinforcement learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Olgica Milenkovic, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. Machine learning, coding theory, bioinformatics, molecular storage and computing.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Andrew Miller, Apple. Probabilistic modeling, variational inference, generative modeling, health, medicine, approximate inference.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Konstantin Mishchenko, Samsung.
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- Bamdev Mishra, Microsoft. Min-max optimization, optimal transport theory and applications, cross-lingual embeddings and alignment, manifold optimization.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Andriy Mnih, DeepMind. Discrete latent variables gradient estimation, variational inference generative models, generative modelling.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Marco Mondelli, Institute of Science and Technology Austria. Information theory, learning theory, wireless communications, machine learning, data science, coding theory, theory of deep learning, high dimensional statistics.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Christopher Morris, Rheinisch Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen. Generalization analysis of gnns, gnns for combinatorial optimization, expressivity of gnns, gnns, graph kernels.
- Vidya Muthukumar, Georgia Institute of Technology. Machine learning theory deep learning theory statistical learning, game theory economics and computation, online learning bandits reinforcement learning theory.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Christopher Mutschler, Fraunhofer IIS. Active learning, reinforcement learning, wireless communications.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Mirco Mutti, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. Reinforcement learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Shinichi Nakajima, BIFOLD, TU Berlin. Generative models, monte carlo sampling, variational inference, bayesian learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Vinay Namboodiri, University of Bath. Generative models, language and vision, deep learning, object recognition.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Karthik R Narasimhan, Princeton University. Reinforcement learning, deep learning, natural language processing.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Gergely Neu, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Stochastic optimization convex optimization, reinforcement learning theory, online learning bandit problems, statistical learning theory.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Vlad Niculae, University of Amsterdam. Generative models, latent variable models, structured prediction, convex optimization, argmin differentiation, natural language processing, computational social science.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Giannis Nikolentzos, University of Peloponnese. Graph mining, machine learning on graphs, graph kernels, graph neural networks.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Atsushi Nitanda, A*STAR. Deep learning theory, mean-field optimization, kernel method, stochastic optimization.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Gang Niu, RIKEN. Deep learning and representation learning, weakly supervised learning, semi-supervised learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Tae-Hyun Oh, POSTECH. Multi-modal learning, generative modeling, 3d reconstruction, neural rendering, embodied ai, parameter efficient learning, deep image prior, human reconstruction.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Alain Oliviero Durmus, École Polytechnique. Variational inference, stochastic approximation, stochastic optimization, markov chain monte carlo, monte carlo methods, stochastic processes.
- Kenta Oono, Preferred Networks, Inc.. Deep learning learning theory cnns graph neural networks.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Lorenzo Orecchia, University of Chicago. Convex optimization, graph algorithms.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Guillermo Ortiz-Jimenez, Google DeepMind. Deep learning science, robustness, deep learning, trustworthiness.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Wanli Ouyang, Shanghai AI Lab. Ai for science, neural achitecture design, object detection, deep learning, pedestrian detection.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Héctor Palacios, ServiceNow. Model-based planning, sequential decision making, sat, acting in factored spaces, nlp, planning, constraint satisfaction, search, combinatorial optimization, symbolic reasoning, task-oriented dialogue.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- George Papamakarios, DeepMind. Generative models explicit-likelihood models normalizing flows, approximate bayesian inference variational inference simulation-based inference.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Matteo Papini, Polytechnic Institute of Milan. Reinforcement learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Jaesik Park, Seoul National University. Deep learning, 3d reconstruction and understanding.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Razvan Pascanu, Google DeepMind. Continual learning/lifelong learning, graph nets, deep reinforcement learning, optimization, deep learning, rnn.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Mykola Pechenizkiy, Eindhoven University of Technology.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Jaakko Peltonen, Tampere University. Ethical ai, text data analysis, information visualization, exploratory data analysis, machine learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Jeffrey Pennington, Google. Theory of deep learning, geometry of neural networks, recurrent neural networks, word embeddings, theoretical understanding of neural networks, recursive neural networks, sentiment analysis.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Fernando Perez-Cruz, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Bayesian modeling, kernel methods.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Thomy Phan, University of Southern California. Multi-agent systems, reinforcement learning, optimization.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Jeff M. Phillips, University of Utah. Computational geometry, coresets and sketches, kernel density estimation, geometric data analysis, spatial scan statistics, high dimensional data.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Geoff Pleiss, University of British Columbia. Bayesian optimizaiotn, ensemble methods, numerical methods for machine learning, gaussian processes, uncertainty quantification, deep learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Sergey Plis, Georgia State University. Deep learning, causal learning, graphical models, neuroimaging, signal processing, natural language processing, matrix factorization.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Pascal Poupart, University of Waterloo. Reinforcement learning markov decision processes, federated learning, inverse constraint reinforcement learning, large language model alignment.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Tao Qin, Microsoft Research Asia. Deep learning, neural machine translation, neural speech synthesis, deep reinforcement learning, pre-training, molecular modeling, drug discovery.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Qing Qu, University of Michigan. Nonconvex optimization, signal processing, representation learning, deep learning theory, low-dimensional modeling, diffusion models.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Novi Quadrianto, University of Sussex. Privileged learning, multi-task and transfer learning, ethical machine learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Guillaume Rabusseau, Mila - Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute. Tensor networks, weighted automata, tensor methods.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Venkatesh Babu Radhakrishnan, Indian Institute of Science. Deep learning computer vision diffusion models adversarial robustness domain adaptation knowledge distillation 3d gaussian splatting.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Colin Raffel, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto. Machine learning deep learning, language models large language models, semi-supervised learning, transfer learning, unsupervised learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Tom Rainforth, University of Oxford. Experimental design bayesian optimal experimental design active learning, deep generative models variational autoencoders, approximate inference variational inference, monte carlo methods.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Ali Ramezani-Kebrya, University of Oslo. Large-scale and distributed ml, statistical learning, machine learning and deep learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Meisam Razaviyayn, University of Southern California. Optimization, adversarial learning, fairness in ai, differential privacy in optimization, memory efficient training.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- William T Redman, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Koopman operator theory and ml, systems neuroscience, renormalization group theory and ml, sparse machine learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Tongzheng Ren, Citadel Securities. Online learning, reinforcement learning, optimization, statistics.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Marcello Restelli, Politecnico di Milano. Machine learning, reinforcement learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Blake Aaron Richards, Google. Deep learning neuroscience credit assignment, reinforcement learning memory neuroscience, neuroinformatics.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Manuel Gomez Rodriguez, MPI-SWS.
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- Fred Roosta, University of Queensland. Optimization, monte carlo methods, deep learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Daniel M. Roy, University of Toronto. Statistical learning theory, bayesian statistics, online learning, deep learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- David Rügamer, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Scalable additive models, sparse neural networks, bayesian neural networks, sampling-based inference, probabilistic machine learning, functional data analysis.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Francisco J. R. Ruiz, DeepMind. Probabilistic models variational inference, generative models variational autoencoders, topic models, bayesian nonparametrics.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Sivan Sabato, McMaster University. Theoretical machine leaning, active learning, interactive learning, statistical learning theory.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Frederic Sala, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Foundation models, automated machine learning, representation learning, semisupervised & weakly supervised learning, non-euclidean & geometric machine learning, learning with limited supervision.
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- Mathieu Salzmann, Swiss Data Science Center. Deep learning compact models, domain adaptation computer vision, pose estimation human pose estimation.
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- Emanuele Sansone, KU Leuven. Program synthesis, neuro-symbolic learning, representation learning, generative models, bayesian statistics.
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- Simone Scardapane, Sapienza University of Rome. Conditional computation, graph neural networks, continual learning, activation functions.
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- Jonathan Scarlett, National University of Singapore. Information theory information-theoretic limits communication, bayesian optimization gaussian processes bandit algorithms, sparsity group testing compressive sensing generative priors.
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- Steffen Schneider, Helmholtz Zentrum München. Domain adaptation transfer learning adaptation, computational neuroscience sensorimotor learning, self-supervised learning contrastive learning unsupervised learning, identifiability dynamical systems nonlinear ica.
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- Hanie Sedghi, Google DeepMind. Reasoning capabilities of large language models, investigating capabilities of large language models, path towards artificial general intelligence, memory and planning in large language models, out of distribution generalization distribution shift.
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- Ozan Sener, Apple. Derivative free optimization, random search, deep learning, multi task learning, active learning, conditional random fields, structured prediction.
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- Nihar B Shah, Carnegie Mellon University. Crowdsourcing, ranking, peer review.
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- Shiguang Shan, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Self-supervised learning weakly-supervised learning, deep learning cnns domain adaptation, facial expression recognition facial action unit detection, face recognition face detection face verification.
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- Karthikeyan Shanmugam, Google Deepmind. Online learning and bandits, transfer learning, graphical models, causal inference, information theory, reinforcement learning.
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- Amit Sharma, Microsoft. Causal discovery large language models, reasoning causal inference causal machine learning out-of-distribution generalization.
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- Evan Shelhamer, Google DeepMind. Domain adaptation robustness test-time adaptation, few shot learning infinite mixture modeling nonparametric bayes, locality structure scale-space signal processing, fully convolutional networks, deep learning computer vision recognition.
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- Jie Shen, Stevens Institute of Technology. Learning theory active learning robustness, compressed sensing.
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- Jinwoo Shin, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology. Self/semi-supervised learning, deep reinforcement learning, generative adversarial networks, out-of-distribution detection and generalization.
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- Florian Shkurti, University of Toronto. Robotics control reinforcement learning imitation learning 3d computer vision perception variational inference generative models.
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- Ilan Shomorony, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. High-dimensional statistics dimensionality reduction sketching sampling, adaptive online learning bandits, machine learning learning theory, computational biology bioinformatics genomics, information theory communications data compression.
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- Changjian Shui, Vector Institute. Reliable machine learning, algorithmic fairness, machine learning under distribution shift.
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- Vikas Sindhwani, Google. Foundation models, robotics, control, semi-supervised learning, kernel methods, numerical optimization.
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- Jake Snell, Princeton University. Gaussian processes, generative models, metric learning, few-shot learning.
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- Jasper Snoek, Google. Machine learning, bayesian optimization, deep learning, bayesian deep learning, gaussian processes, uncertainty and robustness for deep learning.
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- Xingyou Song, Google DeepMind. Automated machine learning (automl), blackbox optimization, reinforcement learning, robotics, transformers.
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- Yale Song, FAIR, Meta. Representation learning, multimodal learning, computer vision.
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- Alessandro Sordoni, Microsoft. Robustness, ml for nlp, deep learning, unsupervised learning.
- Alessandro Sperduti, Universita' degli studi di Padova. Process mining, neural networks rnns deep learning.
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- Anuroop Sriram, Facebook.
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- Fabio Stella, University of Milan-Bicocca. Continuous time bayesian networks, bayesian networks, text mining, data mining.
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- Sebastian U Stich, CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security. Federated learning, distributed training parallel learning, decentralized learning, coordinate descent, optimization.
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- Masashi Sugiyama, RIKEN. Weakly supervised learning, density ratio estimation, transfer learning.
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- Jeremias Sulam, Johns Hopkins University. Interpretability, adversarial robustness, representation learning, sparse representations, dictionary learning.
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- Chen Sun, Brown University. Machine learning, computer vision.
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- Ruoyu Sun, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Convex optimization, nonconvex optimization, deep learning, generative adversarial networks.
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- Kevin Swersky, Google Brain. Machine learning.
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- Erin J Talvitie, Harvey Mudd College. Reinforcement learning artificial intelligence machine learning model-based reinforcement learning.
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- Vincent Tan, National University of Singapore. Bandits, graphical models.
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- Xu Tan, Microsoft. Language speech and audio, text to speech, machine translation, speech recognition, ai music, talking face synthesis.
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- Daniel Tarlow, Google DeepMind. Program synthesis, source code, machine learning for code, machine learning for software engineering.
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- Stefano Teso, University of Trento. Explainable machine learning interactive machine learning neuro-symbolic integration concept-based models.
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- Bertrand Thirion, INRIA. Neuroscience brain imaging cognition, statistical inference high-dimensional data, ai systems brain organization.
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- Nicolas THOME, sorbonne université. Machine learning ; deep learning, computer vision; medical applications ; time series, physics informed machine learning, robustness.
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- Jakub M. Tomczak, Eindhoven University of Technology. Variational inference, generative ai, deep generative modeling, deep learning, derivative-free optimization, boltzmann machines, ensemble learning, svm, concept drift, change detection.
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- Eleni Triantafillou, Google. Few-shot learning transfer learning self-supervised learning domain generalization domain adaptation, few-shot learning meta-learning, natural language processing sentence representation learning.
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- Sebastian Tschiatschek, University of Vienna.
- Russell Tsuchida, CSIRO. Information geometry, point processess, deep learning, kernel methods, gaussian processes, probabilistic machine learning, implicit neural networks.
- Steffen Udluft, Siemens Technology. Offline reinforcement learning, model based offline reinforcement learning, reinforcement learning.
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- Jonathan Ullman, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor. Differential privacy, ml theory.
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- Samuel Vaiter, CNRS. Convex optimization, automatic differentiation, unrolled methods, theory of graph neural networks, bilevel optimization.
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- Antonio Vergari, University of Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh. Neuro-symbolic reasoning, probabilistic circuits, anomaly detection, deep learning, representation learning, multi-label classification, probabilistic learning, machine learning probabilistic graphical models representation learning, machine learning, probabilistic graphical models, tractable probabilistic models, exact inference.
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- Nino Vieillard, Google Deepmind. Rlhf, offline reinforcement learning, reinforcement learning, deep reinforcement learning.
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- Ellen Vitercik, Stanford University. Mechanism design, sample complexity, learning theory.
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- Xingchen Wan, Google. Large language models, probabilistic numerics, bayesian optimization, automl, deep learning optimization.
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- Huazheng Wang, Oregon State University. Information retrieval, multi-armed bandits reinforcement learning.
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- Naigang Wang, IBM, International Business Machines. Deep learning quantization low precision sparsity pruning accelerator compression.
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- Martha White, University of Alberta. Reinforcement learning, representation learning, time series.
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- Pan Xu, Duke University. High dimensional statistics, machine learning, optimization, reinforcement learning.
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- Ikko Yamane, Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Analyse de l'information. Covariate shift, treatment effect estimation, weakly supervised learning, multi-task learning.
- Ming-Hsuan Yang, Google DeepMind. Object tracking, object segmentation, scene parsing, low-level vision, image synthesis, vision and language, vision and learning.
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- Tianbao Yang, Texas A&M University - College Station. Machine learning ai optimization.
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- Jiangchao Yao, Shanghai Jiaotong University. Imbalanced learning, learning with noisy labels, representation learning.
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- Yu Yao, University of Sydney. Semi-supervised learning label noise learning causal inference.
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- Quanming Yao, Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University. Few-shot learning, neural architecture search, knowledge graph learning, graph neural network, automated machine learning, low-rank, network compression.
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- Han-Jia Ye, Nanjing University. Meta-learning, similarity learning metric learning, representation learning.
[OpenReview] [Google Scholar]
- Dit-Yan Yeung, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Time series forecasting spatiotemporal models, time series anomaly detection anomaly prediction, earth sciences earth system modeling.
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- Yiming Ying, University of Sydney. Statistical learning theory machine learning optimization differential privacy fairness.
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- Yaoliang Yu, University of Waterloo. Optimization, generative models, robustness.
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- Zhiding Yu, NVIDIA. Large language models multimodal llms, autonomous driving robotics, semi-supervised learning transfer learning, visual recognition representation learning transformers, segmentation grouping.
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- Binhang Yuan, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Distributed machine learning system, distributed stochastic gradient descent, database system.
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- Manzil Zaheer, Zaheer. Transformers, question answering, semiparametric models, nonconvex optimization, invariance and equivariance in neural networks, efficient ml.
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- Shuangfei Zhai, Apple. Deep learning.
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- Chicheng Zhang, University of Arizona. Reinforcement learning theory, bandits, active learning, online learning, learning theory.
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- Chuxu Zhang, University of Connecticut. Resource-efficient learning, safe learning, graph neural network, ai for society, large language models.
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- Hanwang Zhang, Nanyang Technological University. Causal inference, scene graph generation, vision-language.
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- Lijun Zhang, Nanjing University. Online learning bandits stochastic optimization convex optimization deep learning neural networks, compressive sensing matrix completion sparse learning, dimensionality reduction active learning clustering.
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- Quanshi Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Interpretability, deep learning, graph matching.
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- Rui Zhang, Pennsylvania State University. Natural language processing, deep learning.
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- Ruqi Zhang, Purdue University. Machine learning, probabilistic methods, trustworthy ai.
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- Yizhe Zhang, Apple. Nlp, bayesian statistics, machine learning.
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- Zhiyu Zhang, Harvard University. Algorithmic robotics, distribution-free uncertainty quantification, adaptive online learning, optimization.
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- Han Zhao, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. Trustworthy machine learning, domain adaptation; domain generalization; out-of-distribution generalization, probabilistic circuits, algorithmic fairness.
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- Peilin Zhao, Tencent AI Lab. Deep graph learning, reinforcement learning.
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- Jun Zhu, Tsinghua University. Machine learning.
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- Zhihui Zhu, Ohio State University, Columbus. Deep learning, machine learning, optimization, signal processing.
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